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Markets at a Glance Q2 2024
Markets at a Glance
July 10, 2024

Markets at a Glance Q2 2024


Markets at a Glance Q1 2024
Markets at a Glance
April 9, 2024

Markets at a Glance Q1 2024


Markets at a Glance Q4 2023
Markets at a Glance
January 5, 2024

Markets at a Glance Q4 2023


Markets at a Glance Q3 2023
Markets at a Glance
October 6, 2023

Markets at a Glance Q3 2023


Helping Your Young Adult Build Credit Safely and Quickly
XPYRIA Team Insights
September 22, 2023

In helping your young adult to establish a strong credit history early and learning to use it wisely, you will prepare them for many of the “firsts” that come along with adulthood.


How To: Spend Money
XPYRIA Team Insights
September 15, 2023

As a chronic saver, I found that reviewing these 5 questions and really thinking about them really put my frugality into perspective.


Elder Financial Exploitation & Prevention
XPYRIA Team Insights
August 7, 2023

Over 3.5 million older adults become victims of financial exploitation annually and suffer an average loss of over $34,000.


Concentration Concerns
XPYRIA Team Insights
July 26, 2023

Seven of the largest stocks in the S&P 500 Index were responsible for 74% of the index’s YTD returns.


Markets at a Glance Q2 2023
Markets at a Glance
July 7, 2023

Markets at a Glance Q2 2023


Important Considerations for Estate Planning
XPYRIA Team Insights
June 23, 2023

It is most important that you ensure that your beneficiary designations and that you have a will prepared to guarantee that your hard-earned assets are directed to your heirs as you intended.


Congratulations, Graduate… Time to Plan!
XPYRIA Team Insights
May 30, 2023

Financial planning for recent college graduates. 4 essential steps toward financial freedom.


The SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022
XPYRIA Team Insights
April 19, 2023

The SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022, a continuation and expansion of the SECURE Act of 2019, was designed by law makers to broaden and improve options for retirement savings.


Markets at a Glance Q1 2023
Markets at a Glance
April 10, 2023

Markets at a Glance Q1 2023


Time to Clarify FDIC and SIPC Member Insurance Coverages
XPYRIA Team Insights
March 16, 2023

It is important to understand the differences as they relate to client asset protection.


Recent Bank Failure Summary
XPYRIA Team Insights
March 14, 2023

In short, Silicon Valley Bank failed due to poor diversification of its depositor base and too much interest rate sensitivity in its fixed income portfolio.


Born in 1959 – 2 First Year RMDs Under SECURE Act 2.0
XPYRIA Team Insights
February 15, 2023

If you are born in 1959 the new rules created by Congress result in 2 first year RMDs.


Cybercrime - Tips for Keeping Yourself (and your Money) Safe from Fraudsters
XPYRIA Team Insights
February 15, 2023

Unfortunately, the ever-nimble scammers remain one step ahead in devising new methods to separate you from your money.


Inflation Calculator
XPYRIA Team Insights
January 20, 2023

We prefer to look at the month-over-month data to get a timelier insight into the changing inflation landscape.


Grey Divorce: What You Need to Know
XPYRIA Team Insights
January 15, 2023

Two-thirds of baby boomers say that they would prefer divorce over an unhappy marriage.


Mutual Fund Selection: Share Classes
XPYRIA Team Insights
January 10, 2023

XPYRIA analyzes client accounts on an ongoing basis to ensure that each investment has the lowest net cost.


Markets at a Glance Q4 2022
Markets at a Glance
January 9, 2023

Markets at a Glance Q4 2022


A Medicare Primer
XPYRIA Team Insights
November 15, 2022

Here are a few items you should know about the process and your options.


Tax Planning - Rainbow in the Clouds?
XPYRIA Team Insights
November 8, 2022

Do you have access to professional tax & estate planning guidance?


What, Me Worry?
XPYRIA Team Insights
October 28, 2022

“Be greedy when others are fearful, and fearful when others are greedy.”


Federal Student Loan Debt Relief
XPYRIA Team Insights
October 18, 2022

The Federal Student Loan Debt Relief Application is now available.


Should I Invest in a Roth IRA or a Traditional IRA?
XPYRIA Team Insights
October 18, 2022

There is only one primary consideration in determining if a Roth makes sense to consider.


Markets at a Glance Q3 2022
Markets at a Glance
October 12, 2022

Markets at a Glance Q3 2022


Unexpected Death of a Spouse or Partner
XPYRIA Team Insights
October 10, 2022

Having your financial life in order and yourselves on the same page is of utmost importance should the unthinkable occur.


Check Depositing Process
XPYRIA Team Insights
September 12, 2022

Checks are often sent to XPYRIA’s office for deposit to a client’s account, or for payments of account management fees.


Portfolio Positioning: A Rebalancing Act
XPYRIA Team Insights
September 1, 2022

A key component to both financial planning and long-term investing is ensuring you have the proper asset allocation that suits your needs.


RECESSION? What is it and who decides it?
XPYRIA Team Insights
August 26, 2022

Who has the responsibility of determining what a recession is, when it started, and when it ended?


Minors as IRA Beneficiaries
XPYRIA Team Insights
July 7, 2022

When a minor is named as a beneficiary, the unintended result can be complicated and costly.


Inherited IRAs and Avoiding Penalties -- It May Be Complicated
XPYRIA Team Insights
June 30, 2022

There are many nuances to the IRS rules.


Why Your Advisor Should Be a Fiduciary
XPYRIA Team Insights
May 1, 2016

Choosing a financial advisor is one of the most important decisions you will make. With so much at stake, it makes sense to choose an advisor who puts your interests ahead of his or her own.


The Difference Between Fee-Only and Fee-Based Advisors
XPYRIA Team Insights
May 1, 2016

Knowing the difference between fee-only and fee-based advisors may change your opinion about who should be handling your investments.